Monday 8 July 2013

Property value update

I've recently noticed the valuation of my rental property has increased a lot since the last time i looked.

As a recap, i periodically update the value of my rental property in my net worth calculation, based on a conservative interpretation of a local valuations / sales.  I've decided to include this at market value in my net worth and forecasting by nature of the property serving more as an income generating investment rather than a primary residence.

The last update was in August 2012, and since then, the market value seems to have increased between 5-10%.

As such, i'll be increasing the value in my records by 4% this month.  I've chosen to use a slightly lagging value with infrequent updates as (a) i prefer not to make lots of up & down changes and instead want to slowly reflect a longer term trend, and (b) i have no immediate plans to sell so the exact monthly value is less of a concern.

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